Elite’s Clinical Director Andy McCrea visited Year 12 & 13 students at Princes Risborough School on 9 November.

The students, who are studying BTEC (Business and Technology Education Council) National Level 3 in Sport had the opportunity to experience Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Scanning first hand (and foot!) and view images of their own muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints.

The lesson was lead by Mr Gareth Tuffin, Head of Physical Education at the school.

BTEC Sports at PRS

Gareth said:

“We were delighted to welcome Andy to Princes Risborough School this week. The opportunity to see the ultrasound technology in use was really engaging and led to a deeper understanding of the theory behind the practice. Evidence of this was seen in the detailed Q&A session. 

Andy was also able to give detail of a career path students could follow to reach the goal of becoming a full time physiotherapist and the links to the sports industry.  We very much look forward to being able to work with Andy and the Elite Physical Medicine team in the future.”

The BTEC Level 3 Sport students have been studying the musculoskeletal system this term in preparation for their exam in January.

Andy said:
“The attitude of the students was super. We had some great discussions – not just about the anatomy and physiology they’ll be learning over the next couple of years, but about their long term futures and the possibility of a career in Physiotherapy.

The team here wish them all luck with their studies and examinations.”

Opportunities for educational outreach are hugely important to the team at Elite.

Andy thanked Princes Risborough school for the opportunity to get out in the community and inspire the next generation of physical medicine practitioners.

student demo

Michael Abrams, Princes Risborough Sixth Form student, shared what he was able to take away from the session:

“Andy used [the Ultrasound machine] to show us muscles contracting and relaxing.

We were also able to see and understand the role of ligaments and tendons and relate this to various sporting actions. It was good to see examples of injuries, how they can be spotted and rehabilitated. Andy also spoke about where our course can go in the future with University and work.”

To see what Andy and the team get up to out in the community, across the Home Counties, follow the team on Instagram.